
One day on Odessa’s earth

This video was done for the One Day On Earth project (onedayonearth.org). It is a day in Odessa, Ukraine on December 12th, 2012 (12/12/12). My wife and I went to Odessa about five years ago, and we found it to be an interesting place.

It is more Russian than Ukrainian. There is a beautiful bleakness to it, and a certain wildness. The city is run down, with many grand old buildings in disrepair. There is a sense of melancholy about the place, and rightly so. Long, cold winters (sound familiar?), poverty and corruption, and the still lingering effects of being under Soviet rule has had a dulling effect on the population. But there is still so much beauty and vibrancy. Buildings that are being repaired are absolutely stunning. Arts and culture is an important part of the community. Although often rough and unfriendly appearing on the outside, many people are very warm and inviting once you break down that facade.

I think this video does a good job of capturing what we saw and how it felt to be in Odessa. It has me wanting to go back. Last time we were there in the winter. Next time, I think we should try summer.