Design & Style, Street

Style Spectator: Runnin’ the place

Look at these two cuties! I want to take them to foggy London town… 

Actually, what I really want is for them to make me a London fog.

What better way to close out the coffee shop swagger instalment than to feature a couple of the Thom Bargen coffee slingers themselves.

At left is Raeanne Bshouty and on the right is Thom Jon Hiebert, one half of the coffee shop’s namesake.

Thom Bargen Coffee & Tea’s neighbours, Wilder Dry Goods, even made most of the aprons the staff wears.

Mostly denim with leather straps, Wilder Dry Goods’ aprons sell for $65 in the showroom behind Thom Bargen.

Simple patterns like nautical stripes and plaid mix well with thin, vertically-striped aprons, allowing staff to express themselves with complementary patterns in quiet neutrals.

The previous coffee shop Style Spectator posts are available here and here. Stay tuned for a Festival du Voyageur themed segment next.


Brenlee Coates is a writer, stylist and costume assistant on movies. She is the surveyor of Winnipeg style for our Style Spectator segment and likes to write about the best dates she goes on with her city.